Unit 10 - Problems & Exercises

Trade & Environment Overlap (GATT/WTO Article 20 cont’d, In Practice, CBAMs Upcoming)

Unit 10 - Problems & Exercises

All students should read and answer the Saving Turtles, Indian-Style Problem.

We shall appoint a group to work and report back on the Environmental Equalization Tax Problem.

Red hots and the student group working on the Environmental Equalization Tax Problem might want to look at Joost Paulweyn, "U.S. Federal Climate Policy and Competitiveness Concerns: The Limits and Options of International Trade Law, Working Paper, Nicolas Institute for Environmental Policy Solutions", Duke University 2007 to develop a broader understanding of  border measures and the like in the climate change context as a way of reconciling unilateral environmental actions with competitiveness concerns as a matter of trade law compliance in the climate change area, which is distinctively different as a technical matter now from concerns about the general WTO DSB jurisprudence on the environment read for Unit 10.

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