Unit 8 - Readings & Viewings

Multilateral Trade Core Principles & Exceptions (GATT/WTO Articles 10 & 11: Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs) & Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement

Unit 8 - Readings & Viewings

Look at the language of GATT/WTO Agreement Article X & XI, as well as GATS Article III.

Concerning WTO transparency issues generally, see Reinsch, Caporal & Tuljapurkar, “Transparency at the WTO:  Why Does Transparency Matter, and Are Members Meeting Their Obligations?” Critical Questions, CSIS, 04/22/20.

Concerning Article XI and tariffication generally, see “Quotas and Tariffs,” Economics.  The economists articulate the idea that both tariffs and quotas raise prices for consumers in the importing state, but are less clear that the tariff generates revenues for the importing state, while the benefit of higher prices under quotas accrues to the benefit of domestic producers in the importing state, meaning the private sector -  a political economy point.


a. European Communities - Trade Description of Sardines (DS231) (leading precedent for standards and legitimate objectives NTBs)

b. Text of the Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreement mostly on regulation per se (we shall look at it in subsequent weeks, but the TBT Agreement should be understood in part in comparison to the Sanitary and Phyto-Sanitary (SPS) Agreement mostly addressing food safety, because they are mutually exclusive).

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